Tuesday, April 22, 2014


Hey this post is about Ecuador. I have wanted to travel to Ecuador since my uncle went there four years ago. It has interested me because there was a lot of poverty and I would like to help the people. Galapagos islands in Ecuador is a place I would like to go to because is there are lots of animals like the blue footed bobby, the Galapagos penguin and the giant Galapagos turtle.They are some of the animals only found in Galapagos. A cool fact is that Ecuador got  its name from being right on the equator!Here is the turisum ecuador link! Ecuador travel!


India is a very poor and dirty country but it is changing. I want to go there because I have heard people are nice and there is a lot of history. There are 1.12 billion people in India and has second largest population in the world. I would  like to go to the Taj Mahal when I'm there. My dad went to India and he loved it also my uncle went there and he liked it too. I think I will to go to India when I'm older.

Sunday, March 30, 2014


Hi there I really want to go to Italy when I'm older and these are the thing I will do when I get there. I want to go there because of the people, there is also a lot of history there and Italy is famous for there food so I would like to try lots of different foods. I would take lots of photos because there are some really awesome places there.

Saturday, March 29, 2014


Hey so this blog is about Australia and why I want to go there. I want to go there because there are lots of exotic animals and cool land marks. I want to go to Sidney when I'm there because its a very big city and it would be fun! I would also like to go to lots of beaches because my mom has gone to Australia and she said there where awesome beaches. I really want to see a koala. Here is the link to turisum Australia! Australia travel!

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Hello my name is Evan

Hi there my name is Evan Walker and when I'm older I want to travel. I have some pretty good reasons why I want to travel. First I will get to meat new people. Second I will see many amazing things and third I will do many awesome things. The places I ant to go are India, Australia, Italy and Ecuador.